Does Vitamin C Serum For Skin Help With Aging Of Skin?

A healthy skin is something that everyone strives for. With a cosmetic industry full of skin care products they can help solve skin issues such as acne, scars, skin discoloration, freckles or dark areas. However amongst all these skin problems aging is one of the main concerns of many and if you have shopped for any skincare products lately you might know that the market is flooded with anti-aging products. A research shows that using a wide range of some beneficial ingredients is best for keeping skin healthy. However, there are some standout ingredients that can help treat multiple skincare concerns at the same time. Vitamin C is one such ingredient. Vitamin C And Skin Lightening works hand in hand but it also helps in treating the aging of the skin.
In any topical form, vitamin C offers potent antioxidant protection which helps in shielding the skin from damaging of free radicals. Environmental factors are the main reasons for damaging free radicals as we can’t escape the factors such as sun damage or pollution. This is where Vitamin C can do wonders for your skin. For better results, you can use vitamin C Serum with Gluta Whitening Pills for a Brighter and Healthier Skin. Combination of these two products in your daily skincare routine boosts healthy collagen resulting in a firm skin, Reduce inflammation, Increase the effectiveness of your sunscreen and reduces the brown spots.
Collagen is responsible for providing elasticity to the skin which is responsible for providing elasticity while smiling or frowning and again bouncing back the skin to its normal state.  With age, the production of Collagen becomes less which leads to leaving marks from facial expressions. Tropical and dietary acids from vitamin C has proven to be quite beneficial on skin cells. Using topical skin care products for targeted areas with 0.5% to 20% amount of Vitamin C is quite beneficial in reducing the fine lines and wrinkles from the face.

Many dermatologists and skin care experts suggest that a combination of Vitamin C and Gluta Whitening Capsule not only prevents age spots but also helps reduces skin discoloration that is caused by UV rays. The combination is so powerful that even years of skin discoloration can diminish with its regular use.

SantevaBeauty Products: A Game Changer In Cosmetic Industry

Today dull skin, dark spots and skin discoloration are quite difficult to manage due to increased stress, pollution and most importantly different types of allergens that help intensified the skin problems at hand. Allergens can be dust, pollution, pollen or exposure of skin to harmful lights or chemicals. Bearing in mind all these skin problems SantevaBeauty has introduced an entire range of skin products with the help of science and formulated advanced skin care solutions after through tests and research.
Identifying the key skin issues SantevaBeauty has introduced products such as Bee Honey Pure Whitening soap, Brightening Vitamin C Serum, Detoxifying Brightening Scrub, glow extreme, Vitamin C Gluta Booster, Radiance Lightening Lotion, Gluta Whitening CapsuleGluta Whitening Pills and many other such products that have proven to show some amazing results.
With the cosmetic market flooded with skin lightening products, people tend to try different types of skin lightening creams, gel, and serums. Also for desired results they undergoing chemical peels, laser treatment, cosmetic surgery and Botox which in the long run have proven to be quite harmful and can damage the skin permanently. Eliminating all these risk SantevaBeauty products have been studied and tested across four different ethnicities by the experts.
All products are infused with a non-hydroquinone formula that has shown some really amazing results for brightening up a dull skin, diminishing dark spots, discoloration and improving the overall health of the skin. On the other hand, some key products such as Vitamin C And Skin Lightening serum are infused with Tetrapeptide-30 that helps balance and lighten the skin tone. This works by reducing the amount of tyrosinase and stop the melanocyte activation.

Other skin lightening and whitening products by SantevaBeauty are infused with organic and natural ingredients full of powerful antioxidant which helps clear skin discoloration offering great results. If you are looking for products that can help get your desired skin then this the place for you. Depending on your skin goals you can choose the products and get the skin you always dreamt of.

How to Use Our Gluta Whitening Capsule

Standard dosage computation:

10mg per kg BW (Body weight) per day. 500mg / day


Computation should be IN DOUBLE INCREASED DOSE
20-40mg/kg BW per day in 2-3 divided dose.


Medium brown skin: 1-3 months
Dark brown skin:       3-6 months
Very dark skin:          6-12 months
Black skin:                 2 years or more
Gluta Whitening Capsule.png

Upon reaching desired skin color, maintenance dose: 500mg/day

Our Gluta Whitening Capsule is for each skin tone and skin compose. It is additionally for both male and female. Glutathione effects affect distinctive individuals. This is on the grounds that everybody has an alternate digestion, weight, and skin shading. The motivation behind why some may get results rapidly is on account of they’re taking the right blend of glutathione and vitamin c and this influences the body to ingest the segments well.
1. Calculate your dose.
2. Increase your Vitamin C intake (by taking Santeva Vitamin C with your Glutathione Capsules).
3. Consider a topical cream/lotion
4. Do not leave home without sunblock/sunscreen
5. Consider Soap & Exfoliating Scrub
6. Keep realistic expectations Gluta Whitening Capsules will begin to lighten your skin once your liver has had its fill.

Do Skin Lightening Cream Or Pills Really Work?


Skin lightening products have taken over the market by a storm in recent years. Many people, especially women wish to have a fairer complex with a skin that is bright, smooth and glowing. With time more and more people are turning towards buying skin lightening products. Skin brighteners, creams or fading creams work by reducing a pigment called melanin in the skin. But do skin lightening cream really works??

Glutathione is one of the most common ingredients which is used in skin lightening products as it is loaded with Vitamin C And Skin Lightening properties. Glutathione is an antioxidant which is found in our body produced naturally by the liver and is found in vegetables, fruits, and meats. Glutathione is loaded with amino acids such as glycine, glutamate, and cysteine.

Glutathione helps block the enzyme called tyrosinase which leads to lower the melanin production. While some Glutathione pills might provide faster results there are some treatments that work from within the body. Glutathione works deeply into the skin, detoxifying the cells, eliminating toxins, fighting free radicals and in this way slowing the aging of the skin. It improves the skin health and boosts the effects of other anti-aging products.

Research shows that Glutathione supplements slowdowns the process of aging while acting as an immune booster and protecting the body from oxidative influences. Also, it works deeply into the skin, eliminating toxins from the body, detoxifying the cells, fighting free radicals while boosting the skin health and working as a strong anti-aging product. Glutathione Skin Lightening Pills before and after effects are proven to be really long lasting.

While Glutathione cream and capsules are quite expensive there are some natural sources through which you can get Glutathione. You can maintain a very high level of glutathione in your body through daily intake of vegetables and fruits. The human body can easily recognize Glutathione obtained from natural sources. With regular intake of food that are high in Glutathione, you can boost the levels of Glutathione. It is highly recommended by experts before you consume Glutathione supplement as there are also some side effects that are attached to it.

Do Skin Lightening Cream Or Pills Really Work?

Skin lightening products have taken over the market by a storm in recent years. Many people, especially women wish to have a fairer complex with a skin that is bright, smooth and glowing. With time more and more people are turning towards buying skin lightening products. Skin brighteners, creams or fading creams work by reducing a pigment called melanin in the skin. But do skin lightening cream really works??

Glutathione is one of the most common ingredients which is used in skin lightening products as it is loaded with Vitamin C And Skin Lightening properties. Glutathione is an antioxidant which is found in our body produced naturally by the liver and is found in vegetables, fruits, and meats. Glutathione is loaded with amino acids such as glycinem, glutamate, and cysteine.

Glutathione Skin Lightening Pills before and after effects

Glutathione helps block the enzyme called tyrosinase which leads to lower the melanin production. While some Glutathione pills might provide faster results there are some treatments that work from within the body. Glutathione works deeply into the skin, detoxifying the cells, eliminating toxins, fighting free radicals and in this way slowing the aging of the skin. It improves the skin health and boosts the effects of other anti-aging products.

Research shows that Glutathione supplements slowdowns the process of aging while acting as an immune booster and protecting the body from oxidative influences. Also, it works deeply into the skin, eliminating toxins from the body, detoxifying the cells, fighting free radicals while boosting the skin health and working as a strong anti-aging product. Glutathione Skin Lightening Pills before and after effects are proven to be really long lasting.

While Glutathione cream and capsules are quite expensive there are some natural sources through which you can get Glutathione. You can maintain a very high level of glutathione in your body through daily intake of vegetables and fruits. The human body can easily recognize Glutathione obtained from natural sources. With regular intake of food that are high in Glutathione, you can boost the levels of Glutathione. It is highly recommended by experts before you consume Glutathione supplement as there are also some side effects that are attached to it.